The list of officers has been organized by Company.
Regimental Officers
Colonel Charles J. Elford - Served until April 28, 1862Lt. Colonel/Colonel James McCullough - Resigned February 4, 1865
Major/ Lt. Colonel W. B. Ivor
Major Charles C. O'Neill - Killed June 20, 1864
Surgeon Richard Burnham
Surgeon F. G. De Roche
Surgeon William H. Cooper
Assistant Surgeon W. S. Cannon
Assistant Surgeon W. B. Dale
Assistant Surgeon J. Westmoreland
Assistant Surgeon R. T. Thurstaon
Assistant Surgeon J. S. Stephenson
Assistant Surgeon J. M. Sloan
Chaplain Samuel M. Green - Resigned June 11, 1863
Chaplain James P. DePass
Adjutant William N. Rose
Assistant Adjutant James L McCullough - Temporary
Assistant Commissary of Subsistence Officers:
George B. Mills
Henry M. Smith
W. E. Phillips - Temorary.
Assistant Quarter Master Officers:
William Goldsmith - Served until October 25, 1862
Samuel Stradley
Ensign J. C. Arnold
Company A
Roberts, Thomas B.Captain
Served until April 28, 1862
McJunkin, Charles M.
2nd Lieutenant/Captain
Harrison, William H.
1st Lieutenant
Resigned March 2, 1863
Hawkins, Jacob L.
2nd Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant
Stradley, Samuel
2nd Lieutenant
Promoted Assistant Qtr. Master
Roberts, Edward G.
2nd Lieutenant
Mims, Samuel P.
2nd Lieutenant
Killed May 20, 1864
Gridley, Issac A.
2nd Lieutenant
Company B
Parkins, C. A.Captain
Pearson, William
Served unitl April 28, 1862
Alexander, Rishard H.
1st Lieutenant
Friday, W. T.
2nd Lieutenant
Shaver, J. B.
2nd Lieutenant
Resigned April 1, 1862
Lenderman, Newton
2nd Lieutenant
Died July 11, 1863
Garrison, W. D.
2nd Lieutenant
Company C
Croft, RandellCaptain
Croft, T. Galliard
2nd Lieutenant/Captain
Young, James W.
1st Lieutenant
Resigned April 28, 1862
Roberts, James M.
2nd Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant
Duncan, J. M.
2nd Lieutenant
Burdine, W. C.
2nd Lieutenant
Company D
Foster, R. J.1st Lieutenant/Captain
Served until April 28, 1862
Smith, Abraham T.
Died September 7, 1863
Harrison, Abraham T.
2nd Lieutenatn/1st Lieutenant/Captain
Died December 15, 1863
Gibbes, William Allston
2nd Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant/Captain
Gosnell, James
1st Lieutenant
Goodlett, William M.
2nd Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant
Kendrick, W. J.
2nd Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant
Senter, Sheven
2nd Lieutenant
Served until April 28, 1862
Gibbes, B. T.
2nd Lieutenant
Died March 14, 1864
David, J. J.
2nd Lieutenant
Killed July 22, 1864
Watson, J. J.
2nd Lieutenant
Company E
Monroe, A. J.Captain
Vance, W. D.
Served unitl April 28, 1862
Carter, W. H.
2nd Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant
Died March 3, 1863
McCullough, J. L.
2nd Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant
Browning, W. B.
2nd Lieutenant
Resigned February 5, 1862 and re-elected
Thompson, B. V.
2nd Lieutenant
Walker, John
2nd Lieutenant
Company F
Blakely, James F.1st Lieutenant/Captain
Served until April 28, 1862
Gilreath, Perry D.
Resigned April 27, 1862
Holtzclaw, George W.
2nd Lieutenatn/1st Lieutenant/Captain
Green, William B.
1st Lieutenant
Resigned March 1, 1862
Phillips, W. E.
1st Lieutenant
Died July 11, 1862
Traynham, J. H.
2nd Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant
Martin, G. W.
2nd Lieutenant
Served until April 28, 1862
Ross, W. W.
2nd Lieutenant
Served until April 28, 1862
Hawkins, Jesse
2nd Lieutenant
Served until April 28, 1862
Taylor, James H.
2nd Lieutenant
Walker, John L.
Company G
Wilson, A. T.Captain
Served until April 28, 1862
Boling, John W.
1st Lieutenant/Captain
Bates, E. H.
1st Lieutenant
Powell, E.
2nd Lieutenant
Served until April 28, 1862
Batson, E.
2nd Lieutenant
Newby, Thomas
2nd Lieutenant
Resigned June 27, 1862
Batson, Doctor, F.
2nd Lieutenant
Benson, R. T.
2nd Lieutenant
Company H
Hodges, David W.Captain
Served until April 28, 1862
Barnett, J. E.
2nd Lieutenant/Captain
Resigned April 27, 1862
Furman, C. M.
2nd Lieutenant/Captain
Davis, A. T.
1st Lieutenant
Served unitl April 28, 1862
Mitchell, F. H.
1st Lieutenant
Humphreys, J. K.
2nd Lieutenant
Served until April 28, 1862
Talley, R. T.
2nd Lieutenant
Served until April 28, 1862
Turner, Simon
2nd Lieutenant
Resigned April 30, 1863
Callahn, J. F.
2nd Lieutenant
Company I
McKittrick, Samuel2nd Lieutenant/Captain
Killed July 22, 1864
Austen, J. M.
Died July 28, 1862
Babb, Newton
1st Lieutenant/Captain
Died Novemeber 6, 1863
Roberts, E. G.
Thackston, W. S.
2nd Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant
Forrester, John C.
2nd Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant
Hodges, W. L.
1st Lieutenant
Garrett, E. K.
2nd Lieutenant
Resigned May 2, 1864
Wood, Nicholas
2nd Lieutenant
Howard, John M.
2nd Lieutenant
Austin, William J.
2nd Lieutenant
Jones, J. M.
2nd Lieutenant
White, Anthony
2nd Lieutenant
Killed August 7, 1864
Company K
Goodlett, Benjamin A.Captain
Beacham, William A.
1st Lieutenant
Served until April 28, 1862
Green, Jacob B.
2nd Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant
Resigned October 28, 1863
Hunt, William U.
2nd Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant
Cleveland, William C.
2nd Lieutenant
Served until May 15, 1862
Burnham, Porter B.
2nd Lieutenant
Alexander, W. J.
2nd Lieutenant
Information from 16th South Carolina Regiment by John S. Taylor.